This 5-day instructor-led training course introduces the students to Apache Hadoop and key Hadoop ecosystem projects: Pig, Hive, Sqoop, Oozie, HBase, and Spark. This intensive training course uses lectures and hands-on labs that help students learn theoretical knowledge and gain practical experience of Apache Hadoop and related Apache projects. Note: Lab exercises provide essential and practical hands-on experience for most topics. Topics include:
- Hadoop Ecosystem Overview
- MapReduce
- Pig Scripting Platform
- Apache Hive
- Apache Sqoop
- Apache HBase
- Spark
- Spark SQL
Target Audience
Business Analysts, IT Architects, Technical Managers and Developers
Register for this course
- Course Number W2503
- Course Length 5 days
- Course Fee $3,150.00
- Delivery Format vILT (Instructor Led; Virtual LIVE Online; Remote Training)
- Course Topic Big Data
- Vendor Apache
- Technology Hadoop
Register for course: W2503
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