This 5-day instructor-led training class focuses on the fundamental tools and concepts of Linux and Unix. Students gain proficiency using the command line. Beginners develop a solid foundation in Unix, while advanced users discover patterns and fill in gaps in their knowledge. The course material is designed to provide extensive hands-on experience. Topics include: basic file manipulation; basic and advanced filesystem features; I/O redirection and pipes; text manipulation and regular expressions; managing jobs and processes; vi, the standard Unix editor; automating tasks with shell scripts; managing software; secure remote administration; and more. Note: Supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
What You'll Learn
- Learn fundamental tools and concepts of Linux and Unix
- Become proficient using the command line
- Develop a solid foundation in Unix
- Discover patterns and fill in gaps in any existing Linux knowledge
- Manipulate files
- Learn file system features
- Learn to automate tasks with shell scripts
- Learn to manage software and secure remote administration
- Course Number GL120
- Course Length 5 days
- Course Fee $2,990.00
- Delivery Format vILT (Instructor Led; Virtual LIVE Online; Remote Training)
- Course Topic Essentials/Fundamentals
- Vendor Vendor-Neutral
- Technology Linux/Unix
Register for course: GL120
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